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Big BIG thanks to our sponsor Neil !

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Last updated Jan 2013

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Unknown Band play Windsor Free festival Monday 26th August 1973 © Vin Miles

 The second Windsor festival was just a little larger than 1972, (about 1500 or so I'd say). People spilled out from the woods and were camping in the fields on either side. Hawkwind were playing. The sun shone. " Jane

   The festival had its fair share of busts and hassles, but it was not broken up by the police and despite the relatively small numbers , it gave those who attended some valuable experience in howto outsmart the police .This would of course have rankled and probably helped sow the seeds for the nasty confrontations that took place in 1974...........

1973 Festival menu.

  1973 festival Flyers



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Windsor 1972
Windsor 1973
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Windsor Bands
RIP Ubi Dwyer

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