The Archive

For information on today's festivals see

Formatted at 800 X 600 res or higher -.Created May 2007.Updated October 2010 - new photos

The Archive is as usual interested in this topic as regards to it being an aspect of social history of the counterculture , traveller and rock festival scene of the 60s to the late 80s and does not condone or encourage the consumption of any substances ,illegal or legal which may lead to mental or physical incapacitation by those who consume them .

Treworgey Tree Fayre.

Liskeard, Cornwall

July 28-30th 1989

Dick Short Photo Collection

All photos © Dick Short



Dick Short Photo Collection David Stooke Photo Collection Oz Hardwick Photo Collection
Treworgey Photogallery Treworgey continued -program , recording information , recollections ,more photos and external links Magic mushroom broadcast










Lots more great pix of travellers buses and trucks here at Traveller Daves site

Traveller vehicle Photogallery

Treworgey Photogallery Treworgey continued -program , recording information , recollections ,more photos and external links Magic mushroom broadcast

Treworgey Home

Any info to add ?-well don't dither-do it ! Contact us

Free rock festivals of the 70s and 80s

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