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NB: this site is not affiliated in any way to the official Womadelaide organisation and is a non profit making tribute site documenting the history of the festival , no images or text used on this site should be distributed or reproduced for commercial purposes or without the permission of the contributors .
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7-9th March 2003 .Botanic Park. Adelaide.
Recordings and set lists.
For most of the history of Womadelaide the good old Australian Broadcasting Corporation ( affectionately known as Auntie ) has documented the festival. However there have been lapses and rather strange turns in policy ( mostly due to budget cuts ) so there are gaps. Also, the ABC only ever set up recording facilities on stages 1-3 and some of the more interesting acts have appeared elsewhere. So its been left to tapers to fill the gaps here and there.
Now we at the archive do not condone the unofficial taping of shows , especially for commercial gain, but we are an historical archive so we believe that its part of our function to let people know what music has been preserved over the years by whatever means . We present this list in that spirit , we do not know where you can acquire these recordings , whether they be TV , FM, AM or audience recordings and we will not help anyone in their search to acquire them , so please don't waste your time asking as we won't reply- unless you have some official research project you want help with .
2003 Recordings
The Music show visited Port Fairy ( which is held on the same weekend ) and thus the coverage at 2003 was minimal, there were interviews and live performances from Cheikh Lo and Amjad Ali Khna on the March 1st show and the Aboriginal program "Awaye" visited the festival and interviewed Ernest Ranglin, King Kadu, and Toto La Momposina .The only set that seems to have been broadcast is that of Ernest Ranglin which appeared on the ' Live on Stage Show " in May 2003 .
Very curious, if the ABC sent a crew to record, why only one artist ?
This was the year that the ABC almost deserted the festival , even the TV cameras that had covered stage one and two since 1999 had gone , there were many radio recordings made at Port Fairy in 2003, but Womadelaide missed out.
Amjad Ali Khan
03/07/03 Stage Two Womadelaide
Raga Khamarj
Audience source 80 minutes.
Bob Brozman and Takahachi Hirayasu
03-08-03 Womadelaide
03-09-03 Womadelaide
Audience source each 50 minutes.
Cara Dillon 03-07-03 Womadelaide Stage three Audience source 25 minutes (incomplete ). 03-08-03 Womadelaide Audience source 50 minutes. |
7th March
03-09-03 Botanic Park Adelaide Stage One
Audience source 50
Ernest Ranglin
3/8/03 Botanic Park Adelaide stage two .
AM - Live On Stage : 50 minutes
3/9/03 Botanic Park Adelaide stage one
Audience source 40 minutes
Riswan Muazzam Qwwali
03/07/03 Botanic Park Adelaide. Stage Two
Audience source 60
03/08/03 Botanic Park Adelaide( with Temple Of Sound ) Stage One .
Audience source 60
Shooglenifty 3-7-03 Womadelaide Stage two Audience source 60. Tragically , the Shoogles only played one show, something that has become a regretable trend since 2003 , but it does guarantee a bigger audience for the festival so the concept cannot be totally dissed! |
Rachid Taha 03-08-03 Womadelaide. Stage One Audience source 70 minutes 03-09-03 Womadelaide . Stage two Audience source 50 minutes Both setlists are very similar. 8th March finished with a lengthy Hadina and there was an encore on the 9th. Rchid appeared to be " relaxed" on Saturday , but still delivered a blistering set, he was just a bit uncoordinated whilst doing it .... |
Temple Of Sound 03/09/03 Womadelaide Stage Two. Audience source 60 |
The Waifs 03-08-03 Womadelaide. Stage two Audience source 50 minutes |
Grand Finale
03/09/03 Womadelaide 2003 Stage One , with Matthew Barley , Drum Drum, Los De Abajo , Ernest Ranglins Band , Bob Brozman , Zulya , Temple of Sound and a host of others
Setlist .
Song Of Catalonia . A minutes silence for peace. One Word Song (featuring Drum Drum ) , Beyond the Horizon (featuring Zulya ) , Don't Be Afraid (featuring Andy White ), Malaxico ( featuring Los De Abajo , Bob Brozman ) Reggae Instrumental ( featuring Ernest Ranglins band ) , Lowrider ( featuring Temple of Sound ).
Audience source 60 minutes.
If you have any photos , setlist or recording information you would like to add to this site, please don't hesitate to contact us via the main archive address . Just follow the link .
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