and Williams versus David Holdsworth,Chief Kunstable of Thames Valley
Police Orthority.
On the first day we discover that though a party to the action,Holdsworth
has copped out,in the true tradition of cops,and is not appearing in
court.The judge thinks it perfectly natural that his assistant Chief
Kunstable Leonard Soper,should take the rap on his behalf,and refuses
to allow us to cast aspersions on Holdsworth's absence.But what would
Pickwick Papers be without Pickwick?
is dressed as Ni Chom Abla Dev,in a Pearly king robe from the Kingdom
of Swat (via Hindu Kush in Portobello),and a Santa Claus beard (What
is Christmas A mass of Christs!)
The trial starts on January the Sixth,Twelfth night,the Saturnalia,the
Feast of Fools,when the fool becomes King.Diana is dressed in high heeled
sneakers and erotic rings,and Heathcote is wearing a hand maid mourning
suit,and is hidden under a cowl to avoid media buggery (Heathcote had
unfortunately attended the same school as the judge,whose attitude to
him throughout the
trial was:when are you gonna stop playing with the niggers and come
back and join the white boys? NEVER!
We established first that Windsor Pop was hot nectar,every bubble
put in by hand:60,000 people in a body lightning rodeo,forced share,a
human Iggdrasail,the tree of life with our roots tickling
streaking through the hyperspace,mascon suckers & black hole
fuckers.U.F.O.'s lured down by our bio-electric sharauba,and loitering
with intent.
We prove
that love is the law and order is a dance.......Jimi and Janis and Morrison
visit from soul central,Atman,and RIGHT ON is ticker taped in neon in
front of our foreheads.
There were Churches on the sight-free shops,schools,cr*ches,even
courts run by the Albion Free State department of Ruff Justice to sling
out traders who were charging exorbitant prices for turds made out of
dead flesh,and for evicting Betty Windsor's Bother Boys,who were operating
Snatch Squads at the edge of the sight,mainly at night,and who were
playing God by ripping people
out of Eden for similarily trivial reasons as on the first occasion.They
were arresting people's development,and stealing whole days of their
lives,pruning them,and replanting them in the barren soil of Combermere
barracks,unfed and unfulfilled,until the army was so disgusted by what
the police were doing that they slung them out,and they had to
use 2 church halls instead (What true church would allow its premises
to be used for starving and beating up refugees from a Love Feast?)
The purpose of the police is to create a society in which a police
force is obsolete, Windsor Free Festival was a security leak from the
future:such a society was created there,and we had to sing its echoes
to the court.
Nicholas realises early on in the trail that the judge is deaf,when
he hears him transcribing in his ledger:"resist the police",instead
of "assist the police",and offers him some of his cough mixture (a bottle
of glyerine recycled with gin and whiskey mixed,which he's been taking
regular swigs of even in the witness stand) in the hope that it'll perk
up his hearing powers.
In addition to proving the assaults upon our persons (Diana had
a hank of hair pulled out by a truncheon swinger, Nicholas was punched
heavily in the face and Heathcote seized from behind and hurled onto
the scaffolding underneath Stage A......surely no one should ever be
touched without love?);we also wanted to prove that the whole police
action was illegal.
Windsor Great Park was originally common land,until confiscated
for his own lunatic purposes by George III of hanover,under an Act of
Enclosure,the accepted rip-off device,and then knotted up,and shrouded
in bye-bye laws.
What were we all doing?UBI,the stark flint-like and visionary
progenitor,SID the subtle gentle activist who can make the Revolution
look like the Archers whenever necessary,and slip a million peace bombs
through the customs,and GABRIEL,and STEVE and NICK FORREST and THE WHIRLED?
We were repossessing the Sight,restoring it to its pristine state
as common land,as all land should be.
On possession of it,we could not be dispossessed in strait law,without
a possession order:a piece of occult legal jive maybe,but something
which in this transitional state of affairs was our due.What did they
do? These people who were claiming to be "keeping a low profile",and
to be
"co-operating with the festival goers in friendly & peaceful
manner" What did they do to these Diamond Dolphins swimming through
waves of music which hath charms to soothe the savage breast-this Fine
Heart Sqad designing an Ultra Machine of Hope?
They deflowered a new born babe:
Out of Philistinism (one
branch of the Withered Branch to another:"It would have been quicker
to get them all off with a flame thrower,")out of jealousy:their preposterous
uniforms being Reich's bio-pathetic armouring petrified;out of Media
Assertion:the Press had insistently dubbed the festival "illegal"....60,000
dirty hippies are squatting the Queen's backyard,and what are you doing
about it?
The might of the Thames Valley Police Force(the only true force
is inner strength)was at stake-we must show our fists,show our truncheons,show
our bitter pointed frowns-show everything except the uniform we were
born in and our ability to enjoy ourselves and Get Off and Get it ON!
Heathcote: They decided illegally to clear the site.But the site was
clear.It was clear as a bell!
Judge: What on earth do you mean,There were still people on it weren't
Heathcote: Yes,and birds and grass,and trees and flowers.And happy
Very happy people! The
Site was clear!
in Caught,a secular church with a crucified toad on the altar covered
in stolen horsehair,snorting legal dust for four days,surrounded by
"police"and power and money subkulchur zombies;-oh the Joy of Friends
present!the joy of High Souls fusing with our primal screams.
Nicholas sang out at Superintendent Emery,who was
responsible for smashing
Stage A,that it would have been much wiser if they'd moved in 600
Hare Krishna chanters instead of 600 cops,as a healing balm."It would
have rendered your men willy nilly into a state of bliss,"and the gallery
Diana asked the Assistant Chief Cop why they'd moved in,and he
said"Because we apprehended a breach of the peace," "At eight o'clock
in the morning,When almost everyone was asleep?What breach of the peace
did you apprehend then?Snoring?"and the gallery glowed again.
The cops counsel suggested that no one had punched Nicholas in
the face,but that his injuries were sustained by one of the four policemen
dragging him off "trying to get a more comfortable grip."An uproarious
reaction from the public gallery:hoots,honks,and Ha Ha Ha,after which
the judge threatened to clear the court.
One superintendent claimed that no truncheons were drawn,but
only used once to dismantle the stage.Of what would a truncheon be unscewing
a scaffolding clip?Silence.And when confronted with a photo of a P.C.
advancing with truncheon drawn,on Stage A.that mutinous mandela,that
nucleus of quadrophenia,the third eye in the centre of the hurricane,...he
lamely claimed that the officer must have picked it up."He's got it
in his left hand,you see,your honour"
could be left handed though,couldn't he?"said the judge,the veil lifting
a little.
you see any of the plantiffs there?"said the judge
all look alike to me,your honour"said Scrooge.
We won-though the judge had to sneak us to victory (two thirds
of us at least) and soften the blow by claiming it had been "an admirable
operation" but that there were"hooligans and blackguards present,provoking
the police,"(usually looking at Heathcote of whom he said:"You've only
got to look at him to see he's the sort of person who'd resist the police
any chance he got.")
The judge finally decided that we were innocent,amiable,peaceloving
people and that we'd caught the reverb from all these hooligans trying
innocent amiable peaceloving pigs beyond endurance,slightly fuelled
by the use of what he termed as "unblooded officers,perhaps over-zealous
in proving their mettle."
the damages claimed and costs."
The police case cost them
2000 pounds in lawyers fees.150,000pounds for the site clearance.A
flood of cases pending-the Windsor Police Roit could cost the honest
householders of the Thames Valley a quarter of a million pounds.What
feasts have we been swindled of!
And the screws were turned on I.T.N.who in a still photo of one
of the plaintiffs being dragged off and then lying on the ground bleeding,could
be clearly seen filming the much better if they'd picked
him up,and wiped the blood off his face,rather than grokking on the
whiffs of adrenalin with their celluloid suckers.But since they had,it
was evidence and should have been shown.No deal.Enter "willowy,dapper
Roman Catholic",nigel Ryan,chief editor of foot from the scampi
belt,to defend his editorial decision to film only the destruction of
the festival,not its creation,to defend his decision not to show untransmitted
film,since it might reveal him to such as the I.R.A.(Institute of Rennaissance
Alchemy)as an agent of authority and endanger the lives of his newshounds,and
his expensive equipment,but instead to show only to the court transmitted
film which concentrated entirely on the Armed Love Conspiracy defending
Stage A,and putting the boot in where there was an appropriate
gap in the overwhelming odds:Baton swining cordons of blue meanies not
Mr Ryan,accompanied by his sullen side kick, Hugh Whitmore,
slithers into the witness box in a pathetic attempt to persuade the
court of the integrity of I.T.N.,the News of the World of the Broadcasting
Media.No deal,you abject,craven news spiv.Contempt of Court! Chop off
his head!
We surged up & down:Lynne giggled,David & Cathy beamed,Patrick
the Postman was blitzed out,Sid Rawle hugged Diana eight foot off the
ground squeezing out her astral body to mate with the Great Bear,Don
Aiken felt Released and shouted Wally!Andrew Huxley zoomed into the
cops lawyers to hit them for a bill of costs that would bankrupt the
whole cop-show for eighteen
life-times,Andrew Dixon said he was going to get a spray can to write
down a transcript of the trial all over the court house,Edwina did a
pierrot act with a ventriloquist's doll"I love you all from the heart
of my bottom",and China aged six put on a judge's wig and tried us all
again for treading on
the grass without its consent.
Nicholas Saunders took us all back to the smoke in his Pantechicon,filled
with cider & sweet sounds,and Ubi and Nicholas and Sid and Steve
schemed about next years festival.
A picnic
for a million people - fifty stages - True Royalty - SoulTransplants
"The civilised
society is the permissive society"thus spake Roy Jenkins,once fucked
by a liberal glow worm but then abandoned because he couldn't come.Stay
Home Roy! And will the cops stay home? What does it matter---that Holy
forest of Wind Zohar is twenty five square miles in size,and the ground
and the trees,which are Aquarian Pylons,are still reverberating with
the sound of the singing grace that was uttered there on August 24th
1973.A Great Grace to presage the Revolution.
Let us
be prophets in our own country.A million million people will be there
this year,in body , mind and spirit,and the whole Inglish police force
may be there too:Let the conflicts be imaginative conflicts:Streak,Strike
or be Struck down!and then let us incoporate them!
Ingland is no more Albion Dances! even in the law bound morgues of the
dead death culture...
everything! Freedom is a career,and State is only ecstasy.
happened to idealism?
EVERYTHING! everything!
EVERYTHING everything!