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Windsor Free Festival Freek Press Number 4 . August 1974.

Courtesy David Gwynn Jones

Courtesy David Gwynn Jones

Bginning to get it together.

Last night there was a meeting at the Divine light marquee (D.L.M.).Representatives from stages A,B,F,D, Divine light , us(press) Toll gate people,Medical tent and Student Community Housing. It was decided ~among other things ,to call this mornings meeting to present the proposals to the people. People are now being busted on site-everyone should yell bust if they see people in trouble. Warning not to take dope off site .We were’ asked if we wanted another stage Windsor side of the top woods-the answer was no!. Stage A can have the generator instead. Everyone agreed it should become the central stage of the festival. All heavy equipment and tools should be taken there. We must take greater control of the site right the way from the DLM to stage C.

Tents on the outside perimeter should move closer to avoid fringe arrests but tents in crowded areas should spread out to enable decent sanitation and space to walk through the tents. Originally the organisational structure was that each stage was to handle its own sanitation, rubbish collection etc-this hasn't worked as the co-ordinating collective never met. This state of affairs was largely due to the uncooperative attitude of stage C and Ubi. Minutes of last nights meeting were read out. They reckoned that about £2000 has been colle¢ted from the traders~Each stage has so far run up debts of about £200 resulting from bust equipment to rip offs. It was recognised that Ubi and two others paid out £1000 on publicity. It was proposed that every night the reps from the stages and other collectives should meet to discuss the daily problems and that every day at stage A there will be a mass meeting to verify the proposals at 11 am. The proposal was that half the money collected should be divided up between the stages and that the other half be used for next- years publicity-there was uncertainty about this.

Sid talked about Ubi who hasn't slept for two weeks who every one agrees has flipped his lid. It was agreed that everyone should ignore his instructions until he’s cooled down. Cause its not Ubi’s festival .We respect he’s done a lot for the festival,but this has to be a peoples run scene. Quite a few people had words to say over the mike .Hare KRISHNA requested 10 minutes music time for chanting in the day. The Press would like to say something about access to stage mikes .How can it be worked out, that any one can get immediately important messages READ OUT over the mike, and not a whole list of small stuff which could be left in note form at info tents. Info tents should be given more help in manning, for 24 hours, a day. ‘(Certainly stage A) Possibly messages to mikes should go through info tents. Info people could come and tell us what you think at the Press. So far Stage C has’nt been part of these agreements. We hope they will participate in the near future. This will insure maximum co-ordination.

A motion was passed at the meeting to prevent a fun fair arriving.
People willing to help dig bogs were asked to meet behind stage. This is an ‘ URGENT requirement,as shit and bog paper litters the wooded part of the site.

Rip Offs - A van was selling fags at 40 p -people got together and persuaded them to leave the site with their litter.
To fuck up the helicopter reflect the sun on it with mirrors and cans,
The Teacher- Birth control ? Tampax, childrens problems.

‘MAYA-‘Newspaper of the Windsor Nation
to keep our visitors growing. Issue 1 laid out on site for distribution on weekend
At orange frame tent Stage B

Last night one or two people tried to get a gang to burn a hot dog stand; who hadn't’t paid their levy.
After a ,frantic discussion other people prevented this and got on to the subject of high prices. Eg, 20p for a hamburger. The group went to the American Hamburger stand and asked him to reduce prices. He refused and was chased off the’site. The same group then liberated some rolls form Milos ices and gave them out and then lost each other. People work for nothing here or not at all, No “earning a living” by ripping people off at our free festival.

Cars arehaving their credentials checked by the police,some have been searched & at least one occupant busted.

At Central Station: 2 mid twenties men about 5’10’!.Both mid-brown hair,styled. One in black pullover,blue jeans + brown shoes. Other:beige jacket, light blue jeans.

We are’e doing a daily trip to,Windsor to collect water from the green parachute tent down towards the:Windsor end of the site near the willow trees. Anyone who wants water collected , should bring an empty container before 10;3 am ,&. We should have it back about midday.
RELEASE RELEASE . If people suspect that their friends are being subjected to police misconduct in the barracks,tell Release. We have a doctor who may be able to get into the barracks and check it out , but we must have names for all we do. The Barracks phone is Windsor 5322

This is not allowed to land

To repeat ourselves ,don’t leave the site if you are carrying.(This also means the bogs & the road area.)

Not less,than £25,& as much as £85, for dope,however little, £5 costs. Remember to ask for time to pay. Drunk& disorderly £5. Stage C says 50 people have got time..

Last night an. Inspector & plainclothes man were walking round the top of the hill. If you see or are stopped by the on site cops shout out & with some friends, ask them to leave the site.

There are a lot of men standing up on stages spouting about organising ourselves ,being co-operative, creating an alternative society,etc. What alternative is it for woman if we are still subjected to sexist shit on every side, not just the rapes that happened but things like the sniggers and shouts of ‘gang bang over here’ heard the other night, or the guy at todays site meeting-who gave this description of a woman, DS pig ‘this chick with scrawny tits but a really nice arse’& he said it with ‘such a smug little male smile . He wasn't going to leave it at a straight description of clothes etc, was really getting into it. The trouble is this attitude isn't just reserved for women pigs -any of us might be described by a lot of the alternative men in this totally male dominated scene.

They have been collecting money for supplies,but they are a very RICH organisation. Will our pennies go on The Guru’s Rolls Royces.

Near the church there is a football ground,.Behind the biggest stand is a men’s toilet with tap.a.woman’s toilet with a basin .

Please return these to the dome,by stage A.