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Greenham Common Peace Camp |
The Free Festivals and Peace Convoy.
The convoys progress- 1982
4th of July Declaration
photo courtesy of Luke B |
CNDs reaction to these Rainbow rabble whod actually used
the direct action tactics hallowed in Disarmament Tradition was unenthusiastic.
Though theyd netted at least $lOO,OOO at the giant Glastonbury
Peacefest a few weeks before. the most CND would give the occupiers
was $60. |
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of Anarchy The uproar that followed this scuffle might well have befitted a minor insurrection and it grew. During the night the convoy split into columns which sped across the darkened countryside with cops in hot pursuit, until an entire paddy wagon containing 9 porkers unaccountably hit a patch of petroleum on the pavement, and spun into a ditch, disabling vehicle and occupants alike. From newspaper accounts it was impossible to tell that, in fact, the Peace Convoy had nothing to do with the oil slick being there (and even helped the cops out of the ditch, offering them tea and calling an ambulance. |
was the panic created by these stories that one busload, separated from the
rest , was trying to get some sleep in a Cambridge parking lot , they found
themsleves rudely awakened , surrounded by police who, believing press accounts
of shotguns and cross bows, came armed with rifles and backed up by snipers.
Yet at the convoy's destination, The East Anglian Free festival, the cops
were quite friendly, having heard via Their own independent grapevine how
their their colleagues in blue had been helped out of the ditch, rather than
into it , by the Peace Convoy,
At the new encampment on riverside
common land outside Norwich, local inhabitants interviewed by the press by-and-large
welcomed the festival and associated events like the street party held by
town squatters despite the menacing stories in the news about the Convoy.
After East Anglia, some went on to
Sizewell Nuclear Plant, others to the Psylocibin
Celebration. Among the hardcore, there was considerable sentiment to
rendezvous again at the Greenham Rainbow Camp in Fall. Its not over.
Convoy Steve remembers The East Anglian festies well.
I was there at Eaton-by-the-river (known forever by all who were there as Eaten-by-the-mosquito's), it was quite a laid back affair as I recall, the site was by a river (obviously !) and was covered in reeds and was quite soggy, one entrance in with a token van full of cops who sat there all day playing cards, and mainly convoy types in attendance with a few curious locals popping in every now and then to stock up on combustible commestables of a herbal variety. One thing I do remember is a guy who's name escapes me , set up a marquee and ran it as a video cinema and showed the film 'Convoy' which went down well with the assembled hordes!.
This was the first of several festies that the Convoy attended in East Anglia that summer, in fact the East Anglian festy organisers were a mite concerned about the prospect of their carefully organised events being over-run by the evil gun convoy (sic) that they sent a delegation to Eaton to pow-wow with us. A fella called Gurn was one of them, a big bearded biker (who actually turned out to be a really nice guy and became a good friend) who sat down with bumpy and the crew and thrashed out a rules of engagement type thing so that we could all go to the festies and not fuck up their plans. After Eaton there were 4 other events , one at Lyng), one at somewhere that I can't remember, one at Rougham (the famous Rougham tree fair so well documented along with many others in a book called 'The Sun in the East', well worth a look if you can get a copy), and one at Sizewell. Most of these were low key local affairs but great fun nevertheless and a tribute to the dedication of the East Anglian freaks who put them on.
Greenham Common festivals and the Peace Convoy 1982-83
Tales how the freaks outsmarted the fuzz at Greenham common.