The Archive

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For information on today's festivals see

The Free Festivals

and the saga of the

Peace Convoy.


Al Stokes Gallery

Part 4

Al Stokes ( right ) and friend at Greenham common 1982

June 1983 : Onward to Lyng !.

   I was a press photographer in the early 80s covering Convoy and free festivals and had mates who lived in buses. So it was all pretty harmless stuff, really. In July '82 John Aryes, I think at the Sunday Times, asked me to go to Greenham Common to do a 'follow up' story after The News of The Screws did their infamous 'Gun Convoy' piece. I got a lift off Nick Mersch - who later joined TUMT as Nick Danger -and was going down there for a festival. The upshot is I took a cart load of convoy related pictures in 1982 and 83.

  The Convoy came from Glastonbury in '83 to participate in the free festival in Norwich. The Council, remembering their visit in '82, blocked the lane leading to Eaton Common with 'urgent road works' (ahem) and the festival site turned out to be Harford rubbish tip.

  Deciding running a festival on a rubbish dump isn't a good idea the Convoy bewildered the coppers by decamping to land belonging to UEA. Undoubtedly the convoy stayed on after the Fair had ended on July 3rd, as was their wont in those days . In due course after an unknown period of time the Police obtained an eviction notice, which was duly served on the Convoy, who then left to do their thing at Lyng Faire

Al Stokes

E-recting the Pyramid Stage © Al Stokes

© Al Stokes

© Al Stokes

© Al Stokes

© Al Stokes

© Al Stokes

Greenham Common festivals and the Peace Convoy 1982-83

Travellers Tales how the freaks outsmarted the fuzz at Greenham common.

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