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Updated September 2009- New photos of the Dead , the site and Family
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Madeley, Newcastle-under-Lyme, Staffordshire, May 23rd and 24th 1970. |
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publicity and hype.
The publicity buildup to the Hollywood festival involved the generation of a great deal of hype, possibly generated by the promoters in the hope of getting a bigger audience . Most of the speculation revolved around the composition of Screaming Lord Sutch's backing band " Heavy Friends ' and The James Gang (who withdrew from the festival anyway ) , who were supposed to have lots of big names added to their line-up. As it was none of this eventuated, but I'm sure a lot of people went along on the expectation of seeing the likes of Clapton ,Jeff Beck , Peter Green ,Page and Townshend play .
Disc and Music Echo 4-15-70.
Felicano for Festival.
Jose Feliciano,the blind Puerto Rican singer/guitarist, will appear in Britian this year after alL The "Light My Fire" hitmaker has been signed to the all-star "Hollywood Music Festival over the Whitsun weekend. And Dic underatnds that the festival may feature a unique "super-- session . Eric Clapton, Jimmy Page and Pete Townshend, ardent fans of the three piece James Gang, another American act on the bill, are expected to team up for a unique "jam" session with the group. Feliciano completes a hat trick "scoop" of major American acts for the festival staged 23/24th May at Finney Farm, near Newcastle -Under-Lyme, Staffordshire. Grateful Dead and Country Joe and the Fish also appear.
Eliot Cohen, director of the Red Bus Company behind the venture, told Disc: "it promises to match the Isle Of Wight as far as artists are concerned. We're amazed at the reaction we've received. "The point is that we're catering for fans up north ,something which hasn't been done very sucessfully before." The "Hollywood" festival venue is 83 acres of farmland. And facilities include three giant accom-modation marquees, additional camping space; catefing (including two mobile vegetafi'm untts); special coaches from Stoke and Crewe; and even a "Problem Tent" manmed by a local vicar, where visitors are welcome "round-the clock.''
The festival will be filmed for a full-length feature for world-wide distribution. Final billing has still to be selded but Disc understands that Family top theSaturday afternoon bill, Ginger Baker's Air Force the evening show; Grateful Dead Sunday afternoon; and Traffic Sunday evening- Jose Feliciano appears as "speciaL guest star" Ñ but it hasn't been decided whether he'll appear Sunday afternoon or even-ing. Feliciano, Grateful Dead and Country Joe and the Fish wll fly to Britain in a specially chartered jet from Los Angeles. Spare seats will be offerred to American visitors Ð with free seats to the festival thrown in . Last word from Eliot Cohen . " It seems like everyone wants to jam at our festival, I shouldnÕt be surprised if some other big names turn up on the day. "
Record Mirror 5-16-70.
Hollywood Festival Music line-up
by Lon Goddard
THE HOLLY WOOD MUSIC FESTiVAL promises to be one of the best laid plans of mice or men ever. The huge event takes place over the spring bank holiday, May 23rd and 24th at Leycett, Newcastle, Staffs. Among the offerings are an all-night discotheque, group drama, stalls, boutiques, bars and tons of food. Continuous films will be shown in special tents and they include 'Chelsea Girls' (AndY Warhol), 'Dirty Work' with Laurel and Hardy, 'Easy Street' with Charlie Chaplin, 'Dreams That Money Can't Buy' (Richter) and many more. Lights will be by the Pale Green Limousine Show and Simon Stable and Jerry Floyd will handle the discotheque.
On Saturday the 23rd, on stage will be Family, Demon Fuzz, the Radha Krishna Temple and Lord Sutch plus heavy friends. The Heavy Friends are likely to be Mickey Waller (Jeff Beck's Group), Nick Simper (Deep Purpie), Dave O'List (ex-Nice), Viv Stanshall (ex-Bonzos), Jeff Beck, Keith Moon and Spencer Davis. Other acts on the evening session that day will be Mungo Jerry, Mike Cooper (with John Surman), Titus Groan, Ginger Baker's Air Force and Golden Oldies.
Golden Oldies will consist of Dick Taylor (Pretty Things), Bill Barclay (Rare Bird), Tony Shelton {session man), Mike Tobin (Big Fix}, John Steel (Animals), John Glover (Slug), Chris Thomas (Cat), Twink {Fairies). Phil May {Pretty Things), Zoot Money and John Glassock (Toe Fat). As if that's not a mouthful, on the Sunday (24th), the afternoon show includes Black Sabbath, Colosseum, Free and the Grateful Dead (with Peter Green). The evening of that day completes things with Trader Horne, Traffic, Jose Feliciano and James Gang with their heavy friends. Heavy under estimates their friends, which include Eric Clapton, Jimmy Page and Pete Townshend. Such heaviness you have never envisioned.
Record Mirror 5-2-70.
Hollywood Music Festival Dates.
FANS IN THE MIDLANDS AND NORTH sometimes get a raw deal over the touring arrangements of British and American contemporary groups. Hence the setting up of the Hollywood Music Festival. It takes Place on May 23 and 24 at Leycett, Finney Green, near Newcastle-under-Lyme, North Staffordshire Ñ and the site takes in more than 100 acres of Midland countryside, bordered on two sides by Hollywood. Hence the name of the festival. The organisers realise that human problems can crop up at a mass get-together of this kind. Hence the appointment of a resident chaplain, on the site, to offer advice when needed.
Added to a long list of rock-group attractions, there is plenty of other entertainment. A funfair, all-night discotheques, all-night movie shows, featuring major feature films and surprises, disc-jockeys Simon Stable and Jerry Floyd, art exhibitions, boutiques, lectures and poetry readings. Plus special facilities for those wishing to make a real week-end of it. They include: camping areas, car parks, coach parks, food and drink supplies. Plus large marquees for sleeping in, for those not equipped with a personal tent!
The Festival is presented by Onista Limited and tickets are 50/- for the weekend, available from the Red Bus Company, 33-37 Wardour Street, London, WIA 4 PW. So far, definite bookins are: Saturday, May 23, afternoon session: Family, Demon Fuzz, Quintessence, the Radha Krishna Temple; (evening): Ginger Baker's Air Force, Mungo Jerry, The James Gang (from America), Mike Cooper and Friends. Sunday, May 24, afternoon session: Grateful Dead only british appearance) , Colosseum, Free, Wildmouth (evening): Jose Feliciano, Traffic, Trader Horne, Black Sabbath.
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Hollywood festival menu
Many thanks go to Garry Marsh for his fantastic archival material which has enabled us to construct most of the site. Also to Martin Williams for his oral history and colour photo of the stage and site ,Simon Phillips for all the Grateful Dead archival material and Bob Colover for the film footage .
We have been endeavoring to collect audience or sbd tapes of the performances at this festival , so we can effectively review the performances, provide set lists and band line-ups. The intention is to also display as many personal histories of the festival as possible.
If you can contribute in any way, with tapes, reviews from the music press, photos or personal histories, please Contact us.