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Created July 2010
Saturday 13 July 1974
Hatfield And The North
with Byzantium, Isotope, and Keith Christmas
Eastcourt Meadows
Gillingham, UK
The Move, Fleetwood Mac, Duster Bennett, the Freddie Mac Show, Chris Farlowe and the Thunderbirds, Wynder K Frog, Geno Washington and the Ram Jam Band, Family, Cliff Bennett, John Mayall's Bluesbreakers, Joe Cocker and the Grease Band, Jasper Stubbs, The Passion Forest, The Breakthrough, Skip Bifferty. DJ John Peel |
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One that the weather gods did NOT smile upon, it rained heavily for much of the weekend and the exercise was not repeated. A pity as the Chateau looks impressive and its pretty country around that area.
there.... I was there!!!, a 22 year old, right at the front, and soaking wet....
My memories.....
I can remember ending up on the stage that was a mud bank, standing behind John
Mayall as he played piano, when it was pouring with rain...
Being well impressed with Duster Bennett
and being right below Chris Farlowe, virtually at his feet being sprayed with
his spit....
and almost being hit by Roger Chapman's mic' stand, during Family's stunning
set, when it crashed off the stage....
Wasn't Joe Cocker there??? I seem to remember him...
I will have to start trying to get my poor old addled brain working on more
but I used to go to many festivals and gigs in those days...
Dave Balcombe
a local guy living in Redditch about 8 miles from the Château Impney I
used to go with a bunch of workmates on Friday nights to the all-nighters which
looking back was a bit weird because we were into Rock,Psychedelic and Blues
music but to meet the girls we had to go to the soul and dance music nights,we
stood no chance really, hair too long and the wrong clothes- we wore jeans not
smart trousers.As apprentices at the time aged 18yrs we had to work Saturday
overtime so that meant going to work straight after a night at the Château
(how did we do it).
I can
remember one Friday/Saturday morning as we were leaving the Châteaux I
saw a poster in the entrance as we left advertising the Bluesology Festival
on the wall (just remembered that the all-nighters were in the basement,great
place) and if my memory is correct it was for that same weekend that meant we
could not go on the Saturday (straight to work at 8.30am to 12.30pm) but ok
for Sunday.
Now the memory gets a little faded but a seem to remember arriving and it was
raining and walking thro loads of sheep s**t, the stage was in two sections
the main to the left and a little one to the right but may be wrong,the band
that was on at the time was Geno Washington and his Ram Jam Band playing soul
and dance music(strange to have that mix of bands, rock and soul music.....hey
that's a track by Country Joe and the Fish.
The Move played but cannot remember what but can remember that they had some old TV sets on the small stage to the right that they later smashed up.
the Band that totally blew me away came on Family from the start they were awesome
(it was the first time we had seen them live) I remember Roger Chapman swinging
the mike stand around and also swirling round his head the microphone and he
let out the lead till it was touching the sides of the tent,he would also throw
it out into the crowd and pull it back at the last moment before it hit someone.I
think also he hit one of the overhead lights with the mike stand and it came
down.The most vivid recollection I have of the whole event was when Charlie
Whitney started See Through Windows I remember he went to the back of the stage
in front of his speaker and got his guitar to feedback he then walked about
the stage in a circle changing the pitch as he moved, at the time never seen
anything like it,been a big fan ever since and still go to see him today what
a voice.Well that's my memory of the event but if I get the wife to hit me on
the head with a plank I might remember more (or less) !.
PS Just heard that the Châteaux is up for sale for £17.5 million,
where is my wallet !!
Ian Hill (Redditch)
I remember that one - first festival I ever went to!
A friend and I went on the second day, it took us quite a while to get there
on the Midland Red bus from Birmingham and it was a bit of a walk from the main
road to the festival site which was in front of the Chateau. It was even worse
walking back when we left as it was pouring with rain by then (typical British
Bank holiday?!).
Fleetwood Mac were the headline band that day – the originals with Peter
Green etc. when they used to play all that 12 bar blues stuff. Danny Kirwan
had just joined as an extra guitarist, I think it was his first gig with them.
I remember thinking how young he looked (and I was only a teenager myself then).
They were brilliant and went down a storm despite everyone having to stand in
the rain – we were soaked – worth it though.
Breakthru’ (the proper spelling of their name) were on as well and always
put on a good show. We knew them a bit so were probably biased ;-D
The Move were on in the afternoon, they played well but were not so popular
with the crowd as they were considered more of a pop band.
I saw all the bands featured ‘back in the day’ at various venues
in Birmingham so it’s not too easy to remember now if it was at that festival
or not.
enjoyed the day though – I think I still have the flyer for it back at
my parents house – just trying to remember how much it cost for the ticket
to get in - probably less that 20/- in old money (£1)
I went
to this with a band called Rebellion who played late on the first night. They
had a great guitarist from Worcester named Phil Goddard. Also there was a Karate
demonstration which was quite weird. Danny Kirwin of Fleetwood Mc played as
one of his very early gigs with a very short hair cut and also a Watkins guitar
and Vox amp. Family were outstanding and so was Mick Taylor with John Mayall.
On the first night a lot of people went to the Wharf Hotel nearby to listen
an unknown band call Jethro Tull. The Move refused to play because the stage
was wet and therefore may have been dangerous, but went on eventually. The Chateau
was not only a beautiful place but musically it was a major event for soul nights
and Sunday afternoons for most mods. As was Frank Freemans in Droitwich.
Keep the faith,
say about my generation that “ if you were there you can’t remember
it”.........well , maybe. Here’s a thing though....on your website
there is no mention of Joe Cocker and the Grease Band.....I swear I saw them
at the festival.......and I am certain I was there!!!
( we've now added Cocker to the bill:Ed )
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