Mon, 21 Jul 97 From: "Julie Burton" Subject: 12 Bar Show and Boat Trip
After returning from a quick trip to London, and scanning the past week's digests, it appears that no one has posted anything on last Wednesday's show at the 12 Bar. Thus, I will emerge from my usual lurker mode to offer up a set list as well as my brief comments... Unfortunately, I did not have my recorder with me, as I had not planned to be in London that night, so I was unable to tape the show :( Does anyone out there know of anyone who did? I would really like to get a copy, if at all possible - I have lots to trade. Anyway, here is the set list, as I was able to take notes: (Acoustic) BTW, Robyn was wearing my favorite lime green pants, with a white shirt and a vest, and changed into the green and black diamond print shirt for the encore. All in all, it was a quite a good show. However, it was really hot, the place was packed, and there was little or no ventilation. I think Robyn kept the between song banter to a minimum to move things along a bit. He even commented during the encore that he would let us go so that we could all replenish our lost fluids! He also mentioned that they would be handing out information after the show regarding the upcoming Antwoman Boat Trip! Sure enough, on my way out I was handed a nice orange hand-drawn flyer for "Robyn Hitchcock at Sea," which is occurring on August 16th at 5pm, at the Harbour Master's Pier in Lymington. Tickets are 8 pounds, and are available from Antwoman (P.O. Box 14864, London W4 2GD). Send a S.A.E., and checks payable to R. Hitchcock. Call 0181 677 4744 for additional info. I assume this will be like the infamous bus trip on the Isle of Wight... Julie