Gotta Let This Hen Out is a great showcase for the early Egyptians . Featuring a live performance from the Marquee Club Soho 4-27-85, it also contains some wacky video clips and a couple of  sections where Robyn plays solo. Its around 53 minutes in length. The following pages contain freeze frames from the original video digitised on Avid Cinema and then converted into stills using Photoshop. Whilst not top quality its the best I can do at the moment.You will get better results if you set your monitor to millions of colours .  
Listening to the Higsons. 1.   2.    3. 
The Man With the Lightbulb Head
Band Shots 1. Band Shots 2   Band Shots 3
Band shots  4  Band Shots 5 Band Shots 6
I Often Dream of Trains & Solo shots
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